Chapter News

Collab Connect Recap

On April 16th the Rocky Mountain chapters of PCMA and MPI, alongside MIC, hosted an enriching panel discussion focused on networking, collaboration, and community building within the meetings and events industry. Attendees were treated to insights, real-world examples, and actionable strategies to leverage community for career and business growth. The event began with introductions to the organizing associations, setting the stage for discussions on the benefits of collaboration and the art of nurturing professional networks.

Throughout the evening, panelists engaged the audience with discussions on the career benefits of professional communities, effective strategies for network growth, and the advantages of collaboration in driving success within the industry. Real-life success stories highlighted the tangible benefits of community involvement, while interactive Q&A sessions allowed attendees to gain personalized insights from experienced professionals. The event concluded with networking opportunities during a joint cocktail reception, fostering connections and camaraderie within the Rocky Mountain meetings and events community.

Click here to view event photos.

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Ashley MontoyaCollab Connect Recap